Virgin Atlantic
We provided a two-day introduction to emotional intelligence for managers at Virgin Atlantic-s call-centres. The course was also attended by HR and training staff interested in our embodied approach, and was well-received and highly rated.
Glyndebourne Opera House
Working on behalf of Sussex Enterprise we provided two days of team building for Glyndebourne on location focusing on group vision, communication skills, values, and personality types.
The Institute of Development Studies
IDS is a leading global charity for research, teaching and information on international development, based in Sussex, who initially contacted us for stress management and time management training three years ago. Since then we have delivered a wide range of half-day and day-long workshops on subjects including difficult behavior, creativity, resilience and presentation skills; facilitated feedback sessions as part of a change process and delivered a six month management skills training programme involving team building and off-site leadership training for a particular group of managers.
Family Investments
FI are a medium sized financial services company whose HR team were interested in learning more about embodied ways of training to add to their existing management development programme. Two members of their staff co-designed and delivered a two day training and were mentored to develop new skills which they now use in-house.
Further Examples
For the last two years we have also provided a six-month-long leadership development programme for an international blue-chip telecoms company, delivered a stress-management workshop to GE Capital and helped UNICEF with time management, to give three more examples. We have also partnered with other training providers such as Newfield Europe (The Netherlands) and The Nowhere Group (UK) to provide an embodied element to their courses and events. Further afield we have worked in Israel and Sierra Leone in the recent past.
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