Our Past Clients Include

Client Training Course Case Studies

Testimonial Quotes

Here’s some of the things clients have said about our training over the last ten years, as you can see we’ve worked with all kinds of organisations around the world:


A very useful and enlightening experience "Informative, interesting, insightful"

The Economist – UK

Thanks to your management training I now have a greater awareness of my posture and how it affects my attention and focus.

International Coaching Federation – UK

Integration Training offers practical and fun learning offered in an open space that skilfully blends self inquiry with an embodied approach to leadership. This transcends the realms of the normal corporate training and lifts the lid to real insight and potential. In our current economic situation can we really afford anything less?

Newfield Europe – London/Amsterdam

I have had the pleasure of seeing Mark work with groups on several occasions. Mark brings a real depth of knowledge, combined with passion and a love for the work, to his teaching and presentations. He has a strong presence, mixed with humour and lightness, and is an important contribution to somatic coaching.

GE Capital Global Banking – Paris

The feedback from the 'stress management training' was good. The meditation piece was the most valued piece of the session and the practical tools that were presented to people on how they can relax during a work day were appreciated too.

Sumersdale Publishing – UK

Thank you again for a fantastic day today. You put so much thought and care into planning the day, and I really appreciate it. I think as a company and as individuals we’ll all benefit significantly from the day.

Liberty Global International – Amsterdam

Integration Training successfully developed and delivered a brilliant, intensive communication leadership training for our company that has resulted in increased knowledge and potential. Mark is very professional and his knowledge of the subject he teaches is absolutely superlative. I found him to be consistently pleasant, teaching with dedication and a smile and consideration for the individuals in the group. I highly recommend Integration Training, they are great trainers.

Restaurant Manager – Brighton

I think I'll make that my new tattoo!

Domestic & General Services Ltd – UK

I was delighted to have enjoyed the session so much and to have received so much positive feedback from my team of trainers on the introduction to Embodied Management Training. Your knowledge, passion and drive were evident throughout the session and we all walked away with lots of ideas for our training. Thanks and hope to work with you again soon.

Women in Banking and Finance group – City of London

"Very good, concrete, take-away tasks to do" - "A very interesting topic. Pleasantly interactive. Two hours of my life that was well spent".

Virgin Atlantic – UK

Being a Trainer and training manager for 15 years I have had much experience of external consultants and various training packages and there are not many consultants out there that impress me, but your emotional intelligence training certainly did though! Great conducive trainer delivery style with a passion for the subject and an aptitude to keep things up-beat and varied to gain everyone's interest. Everything from the 'heart' which is a big thing for me not just going through the motions. We are tough strong bunch and I got the impression everyone got something from yesterday's session so THANK YOU! It was great and I'm looking forward to next session!

Friends Life, UK

The feedback from my marketing team was a 93% good or very good overall rating for the communication and team building training

Management Consultant and Dutch workshop host – Amsterdam

Mark's training workshop is fun, down to earth and gave me simple and accurate tools for my coaching practice box.

Vangent FS – UK

The best training I've had in the three years I've been here.

Chapel Studios [New Media] – UK

I'm sure we'll have Mark back on a regular basis and thoroughly recommend his work and Integration Training as business training providers.

Summersdale publishers – UK

Thought whole time management training was really helpful - lots of practical tips plus loads of food for thought. Also a great mental and emotional spring clean for us all as a company. And fun too!

Royal Sierra Leone Armed Forces

Excellent training, they are welcome back in Sierra Leone any time!

Brighton and Hove Chamber of Commerce – UK

"Excellent delivery." - "Mark presented very well." - "Good quality trainer." - "It was very insightful and at a different level than most time management training, addressing underlying motivations etc".

NHS – Sussex UK

It was one of the best afternoons any of us can remember.

Working Together Project – UK

It has been a pleasure to work with you, and from a personal point of view, to attend your fabulous stress management course which continues to stand me in good stead three years later!

Bishop Grosseteste University College – UK

"All covered wonderful" - "Everyone would benefit form this stress management course." - "Practical and interactive, complex issues managed well and well presented".

Working Together Project – UK

Thank you for the assistance you gave me personally via your stress management course nearly 3 years ago now. My stress buddy and I still meet up!

Connexions Manager – UK

I can see many different applications for Integration Training's approach in our workplace - team building, assertiveness training, stress management training, confidence building...Thanks to your training workshop, all the participants from my organisation found the training enjoyable, relaxing and refreshingly different from the norm.

Brighton and Hove City Council – UK

Integration Training facilitated a focused and innovative business training development session for my management team. They helped us clarify the business benefits of the session, and used an appropriate balance of input, challenge and support in their delivery on the day. I have no doubt that the workshop has contributed to building relationships in our team and improving our performance.

Harrow NHS – UK

Valuable, well presented, practical. - "Helpful, professional, stimulating." - "Very relevant and engaging - time flew!" - "Thoroughly met objectives - I would recommend them as a training provider to all employees.

University of Sussex – UK

"A good, insightful, practical session on stress management." - "A great course, thank you" - "I think everyone should take this time management training!"

Working Together Project – Brighton

Today was brilliant! Best course I've ever been on!

Choir With No Name – London

Mark enabled us to work out how we could expand our influence using social media. He clearly knew his onions and managed to warmly include every member of staff at a level appropriate to them. He has also checked in on us regularly since to see how we-re getting on, going above and beyond call of duty.

SOS Children – Cambridge UK

"Good for our office - needed!" - "Cleared the week's stress." - "Good to connect with colleagues - we're all still human!"

University of Chicago – USA

As accomplished practitioners of embodied training, Integration Training offered a range of valuable resources to facilitate growth. I've found them exceptionally competent and responsive to the needs of the teams they've worked with worldwide." -

Social Entrepreneurs at B Scene – Brighton, UK

"Exceptionally marvelous." - "Like the body/physical aspects" - "Informative and useful."

Oxfam GB

Our team work under significant pressure, in very difficult and even hostile environments around the world. They tell me that Mark's workshop was not only the best training they had attended together, but was the best day they had spent together. Mark's insights have had a significant positive impact on the work, and lives, of this small group and for that we are extremely grateful.

UNICEF – London

The best management training session I've done here and I am really looking forward to putting my learning into action!

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