Develop your leadership potential from all angles
Life and leadership calls on four fundamental archetypes : fire, earth, air and water – but most people get stuck in one or two of these limiting their potential. These four dimensions translate into practical day-to-day behaviours and learning to live them offers new options and greater effectiveness. The four elements’ “map of being”, shows the full range of being human, and is a deeply rooted and dependable model that people quickly grasp.
To be aware of one’s preference and its impact on self and others and also to develop the less familiar energies is essential to be a powerful and balanced leader. Creating partnerships, healthy relationships and high performing teams also becomes much easier with such a map.
This master class offers a fully embodied training based on a variety of approaches. It is complementary to well known cognitive tools such as MBTI but is also very direct, enjoyable and sticks.
The seminar will give you many insights on yourself and you will also leave with powerful tools and an innovative team-building process.
Elements of content
– Discover and experiment with the 4 archetypes deeply through movement, conversation and activities
– Identify your preference and their expression and impact in the business world and everyday relationships
– Improving relationships and conflicts between leadership styles and energies
– Learn practical tools for coaching and leading others through the four elements
– Using the four elements as “centring” techniques to alter ones state right away
– Practice techniques to access the needed element in situation
– Using the four elements in creative thinking and intuition to get “unstuck”
– Coaching tools and tips
– The elements in presenting, pitching and selling
– How to negotiate with leadership styles that differ from one’s preference
– Develop one’s weak points and balance the tendency to over rely on habitual styles
– Learn what practices will build which element long-term
This seminar draws upon a variety of sources and somatic and embodiment techniques, aikido, improvised movement, mindfulness and we are greatly indebted to the work of Ginny Whitelaw and Betsy Wetzig, Stuart Heller, Paul Linden and others.
Training will be in English and French with translation by Pierre Goirand
The Trainers
Mark Walsh – Founder of Integration Training and the Embodied Facilitator Course est un expert des techniques somatiques dans les organisations. Il dirige lntegration Training une communauté de formateurs et de consultants. Son blog est une bible de ressources sur cette nouvelle discipline. C’est le Site N° 2 pour les formateurs en management selon Google, et N°1 sur U tube avec 5 millions de click il est le formateur le plus suivi sur Twitter (30,000+). Il a étudié entre autre avec Richard Strozzi, Paul Linden et Wendy Palmer. Il intervient en entreprise et sur des projets de résolution de conflit en Europe, en Afrique et au Brésil…
Pierre Goirand est un consultant-coach international. Il favorise l’intelligence collective dans les organisations et propose depuis 18 ans une approche intégrale du leadership. Il intervient pour de nombreuses entreprises et collectivités (SNCF, Orange, Mac Donald’s, Hp, ONU …). Ses recherches l’ont amené à développer des pratiques au croisement de nombreuses disciplines artistiques, corporelles et martiales qui sont à la fois à la fois innovantes et enracinées dans des sagesses ancestrales. Pierre est le premier instructeur certifié par Leadership Embodiment International en France.
More info on Présence et Leadership
Vidéos from Mark and Integration Training:
Embodiment and Embodied Training
Embodiment, Body Language in Business
Fee: Corporate 695€ Self-employed (coach, consultant, trainer, …) 495€ NGO’s 366€
Logistics: Training will take place at INSTITUT REPERE 78 Avenue du Général Michel Bizot 75012 PARIS
Day 1 : 9 – 17h30, Day 2 : 9 17h00
Registration: Euro 100 payment in advance. Click here to make your payment through Integration Training
Contact: markatintegrationtrainingdotcodotuk or Pierre Goirand at +33615024452