Theories of Leadership

Great man? Great relationships or great match to the situation? Nice blog post on leadership theories here. Often think these are lens which people see through without being aware there’s …

Training Managers’ News

If you’re a training manager looking for news related to training there are a number of sources. Obviously this blog is a great place to start – I focus on …

John Cleese Training Video

John Cleese in a training video on how to interrupt people. You’ll need to sign-in to Training Zone to see it but that’s free.

Change is Inevitable

I recently wrote an article describing how hard change is – by way of balance here’s one about how change is inevitable. Thanks for the idea Gav. Change is Inevitable …

Does Meditation have a Dark Side?

I’m a keen meditator and use meditation in my stress management training. That being said like anything perhaps it can have a dark side. This article discusses what can go …

Relationship Blog

“I like grapefruit. You like grapefruit. Let’s move in together!” “Many people spend more time in planning the wedding than they do in planning the marriage.” Clare Myatt, Integration Training …

Extract from Paul Linden Book

In the next few weeks I will be publishing extracts from master somatics teacher Paul Linden’s new book. Available HERE. ………………… Chapter 11 – A SHARP TONGUE Walt Kelly, the …

How to be Charismatic

Recently published in Training Zone – this is an article on how to be charismatic. A previous post on how to be more charismatic is here. …………………… Charisma, personal presence, …

Is Twitter Spiritual?

Is Twitter spiritual? Blogger Stephein Dinan thinks so… “When something is wildly successful, as Twitter now is, I often ask myself about its higher purpose. In other words, what might …