Slow Down Geeks

Feldenkrais (awareness through movement) has been featured in geek efficiency bible Fast Company Magazine. Slow down to feel what’s happening and develop efficiency is the message.…………………… Feldenkrais So What: Slow …

The Cost of Ill Health

People that don’t exercise cost employers money due to ill health: ……………….. From The Sussexwide Active & Healthy Workplace Initiative: “Physically active employees take 27% fewer days of sick leave, …

Free Resources for Training Managers

Free Resources for Training Managers Perhaps the bigger problem for training managers is not a shortage of free resources but knowing what resources are any good. I’ll start with the …

How to Limit Yourself

Enjoyed this blog post on healthy limits and how to limit yourself. …………………………. Is it really possible to be more successful bylimiting yourself? Yes. But limits are supposed to be …

Military Stress Managment Training

This article in the NY Times on “emotional resilience” and stress reduction (PTSD/suicide reduction) reports on how the US armed forces are taking stress management seriously. I hope the UK …

Ethical and Profitable Business

Good article by fellow Brightonian , Julia Chanteray on keeping ethical and profitable. I agree with her that the perceived split between “the good” and “the profitable” is artificial. I …

Excess in Moderation!

There’s an old saying I made up last week – “A little bit of excess in moderation does you good!” Obsession is good. Too much is good. Pushing your edge …

Video on Mirror Neurones

How can you feel someone else’s distress and why might you not like sitting by someone in the office with a “contagious” mood? How come you can get intuitive “gut” …