Young People and Meditation

“Being young, here, now Meditation groups say cyber generation is looking inward to counter stress” A post reporting an article on young people and meditation (Stateside) from perhaps my favourite …

Stress Tips

I’ve just come across a page of comprehensive stress tips from one of my competitors. As ever with this blog I aim to bring you what’s good and not just …

The 0 Hour Work Week

“I personally can no longer tell the difference between when I’m working and when I’m playing.” Nice article and new book here. I call it Plorking. ………………….. So What: Do …

Confidence Tips

The article on confidence tips below is an extended version on an article published in The Sussex Newspaper – a paper and online newspaper that focuses on positive news.   …

Stress and What You Can Influence

My fellow Brighton stress training consultant Andrew Cain on what you can change and what you can’t. Reminds me of the serenity prayer. This is the page for my own …

Stupid Training Tips

As the recession shows signs of waning I’d like to speed its demise in my own small way with some (cynical) Monday morning humour. Hard financial times can bring out …

Synchronise Website

My friend and colleague Monika Koncz has just launched her attractive and innovative Synchronise website – offering a range of corporate training and individual coaching services. Like myself she values …

Attractive From the Inside Out

Attractive From the Inside Out What do some people do that makes them so attractive? Would you like to do it too? We believe that what makes us truly attractive …

Time Management Tips

I’ve just added a new page of free time management tips to the Integration Training website. It includes aspects of Getting Things Done (GTD), Covey, linguistic and somatic work. Have …