Rage Test!

Stressed out? Full of rage? Here’s a light-hearted rage test. And here is our own stress training.

Corporate Tribes

Is modern business and corpoarte life so different from traditional tribal life? Can one learn from the other? Sent to me by my friend Ralph Lewis at The Greenleaf Centre …

Is LIfe is a Journey?

The metaphors we use can have a profound effect on how we see the world and what is possible for us. We live IN our stories more than have them. …

Coaching and Kissing

“It’s not the skills…coaching is like a romance.” Go in for the kiss. My friend Aboodi Shabi from Newfield on coaching. (Pictured post Newfield Amsterdam conference where the video was …

Why Soft Skills Matter

From Mindtools: ……………….. Why Soft Skills Matter Making Sure Your Hard Skills Shine “To get, and keep, a job you typically need a repertoire of technical skills. Dentists need to …

Being Horrible Online

It’s easy to be a horrible human online. This came as a bit of a shock to me when I first started using the net (later than some of my …

Buddhism and Coaching

Here’s a new website on a Buddhist approach to business coaching from Alan Ashley. I use mindfulness in my own stress management training and coaching too.

Stress Awareness Day

National Stress Awareness Day from the International Stress Management Association UK. “Wednesday 4th November 2009 Stress can be an insidious build up of many pressures and challenges. Most people are …

Healthy Managers are More Effective

Study indicates that healthy managers are more effective. “Findings – High performance managers believe that there is a strong link between their health and their effectiveness as leaders. The main …

Stress Relief Games

Stress relief games…not time wasting at all 🙂 For stress training that works Integration Training’s stress and resilience training is here.