CSR Blog

Good blog on CSR (corporate social responsibility) from David Coethica. Includes this video on climate change…Looks like we’re all going to die unless we really get it together.

Government Grant for Stress Training

There is currently a government grant available for stress training in the UK. The Health and Well being Grant Challenge Fund is available until 31st December 2009 so get your …

Corporate Intuition

A video by my friend Alison Pothier from London about corporate intuition. The Embodied Management Training I provide also has an intuitive element.

Jung on Death

A classic – Jung talking about the psychology of death and belief. If this doesn’t cheer you up and inspire you maybe you are dead.

Silhouette Art

This for a change here’s my friend Alison Russell from London making Silhouette Art Live silhouette cutting from Alison Russell on Vimeo.

Business Devil

This portrait of a business devil graffiti was spray-painted near by house on a main commuter route to Brighton station. It makes me sad as I work with business as …

What is Mood?

What is mood? This may seem like an obvious question but think about it. Mood is immediately apparent in a company or a family- and whether we want to spend …

Mindfulness and PTSD

I found this post on mindfulness and PTSD. “One approach, which I have found particularly helpful, is a form of psychotherapy that combines mindfulness and experiential imagery, in what I …


Training Zone has published this article on mentoring that relates to both aikido and business training. My mentor Paul Linden and I are pictured above. “People learn from people. People …

Leadership Training Videos

Here are some excellent free leadership training videos from Andrew Gibbons including Martin Luthur King’s “I have a dream” speach.