Emodied Leadership in Action in Europe

Here’s a report on embodied training from the recent Authentic Leadership in Action course in Amsterdam. Rather jealous I didn’t make it in fact ๐Ÿ™ ………………… “The module Iโ€™m taking …

Haiti Earthquake Stress Management Tips

This article by the American Psychological Association includes stress management tips in regard to the Haiti earthquake. It is aimed at those who have friends or relatives there and are …

Beautiful Integral Website

One beautiful website on integral, and they do aikido too! Aside from being a beautiful site they have lots of free integral resources…if you’re wondering what the hell integral is. …

Suicide Prevention Resources

Here are some excellent resources relating to suicide and suicide prevention from my friends at Grassroots Training. Pass it on, you may save someones life.

The Future Of Training

What is the future of training? What will the next ten years bring? What will grow and what will die? Who knows! But here are my wild guesses. Given that …

Being a Woman at Work

A good blog post about reclaiming feminine values and being a woman at work. Fellow student of Richard Strozzi Heckler Susan Harrow: “Women often believe that they must act like …

Bullshit Bingo – Jargon

I’m a fan of plain English, however some of you may be working in companies where this is unfashionable and consultese is the norm. How then to make meetings bearable? …

George Leonard Sensei

It is with sadness that I pass on the news that George Leonard Sensei has passed away. George Leonard Sensei was a pioneer of the embodied work that is now …

Office Headaches

Headaches seem to be a regular feature of office life for many people and in the stress workshops I do I hear them mentioned frequently. Headaches in the office can …