Myers Briggs and The Body

Personality is revealed in our posture and movement. This is why people still interview for jobs, business people travel across the world for meetings and Internet dating can go very …

Training, Coaching and The Body

Summary Points The body has been ignored yet is vital to coaching and training Communication, leadership and stress management are all embodied Some simple things can be done to start …

Types of Questions in Training

In my business training I get asked lots of questions, this mostly is an enjoyable and productive part of the job. I’ve also come to notice there some questions which aren’t really …

Team Building Questions

Here are 15 questions I use for team building to deepen connections between people in a short space of time and promote meaningful discussion. They get more intense as you …


I’ve been thinking about outsourcing recently as my training company has started to grow. There are some major ethical and quality considerations for me in this area and I also …

How to be Reborn at Work

I had several requests after the Easter themed article article How to die at work for a more positive follow-up on how to be fully alive and human in the …