Communication Styles

Here’s a communication types outline from the communication training courses Integration Training runs. Which type you and employees are has big implications for leadership and management. Thanks to Francis Briers …

The Business of Poetry

Guest blogger and motivational coach and performance poet Louise Taylor on business and poetry: …………. “Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is …

How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

This came up in a stress management workshop so as soneone who always enojys a really good night’s sleep these days but didn’t used to I thought I’d share. Sleep …

Walking in another’s moccasins

Here’s a guest post from Toby Buckle ………….. I spent four days on my own over the previous weekend looking after my two girls Olivia age one and Georgia aged …

British Stress Management

A lot of stress management techniques come from the USA, and while they have there uses many have an exuberantly optimistic flavour that like cheap instant coffee leaves a bad …

Meeting Management Training

Integration Training work with communication training, time management and leadership training and the issue of managing meetings often comes up. Here are a few tips to make meetings more effective. …

Conflict Management Tips

Working with Conflict  – Conflict Resolution Tips Working skilfully with conflict requires application of emotional intelligence, embodied intelligence, communication skills and leadership. If this sounds daunting, here are a few …