Stress Management Tips Video

Here’s our new stress management tips video.  Stress management training is one of our core offerings. There are some more stress management tips here.

If life were a flight…

“Welcome abroad life airlines flight 101 destination unknown. The flight will take an indeterminate time and there will certainly be turbulence. There will most likely be delays but we will …

Leadership and the Body

What is the reationship between leadership and the body? Most leadership training reflects the common privileging in the Western World with the cognitive. My claim is that this is a …

Embodied NVC

How are emotions, empathy and connection embodied? What roles does the body play in NonViolent Communication? What supplementary physical practices can be used to support and develop NVC? NonViolent Communication …

What is Empathy?

A video on “What is Empathy?” relating to the emotional intelligence, leadership ands stress management training of Integration Training. If you liked this you may also like: emotional intelligent communication …

Consciousness, Productivity and Creativity

Guest blogger Jon Moore on Consciousness, Productivity and Creativity …………………. I’ve been scratching my head and doing some research, I think I’d like to open up a conversation about things …

Emotionally Intelligent Communication

Here’s some tips on emotionally intelligent communication, based upon NonViolent Communication (NVC) by Marshall Rosenberg and used on our communication training courses and emotional intelligence training. Separating Observations from  Judgements in Communication …