The Five Pillars

What makes a person work well or not – a video by Mark Walsh on the five bodymind pillars   If you liked this article you may like to look …

Training Olympics – The L&Decathlon

As Olympic fever starts to engulf the UK, I ask myself what would an Olympics for learning and development look like?  Here are a few ideas for what fellow trainers …

The Four Elements

A new video from Integration Training on the Four Elements Embodied If you liked this video you may like to look at the following: Leadership Development – Embodied Management Training …

Surviving Meetings

Meetings – cruel and unusual punishment, the most pointless part of our lives or inadvertently hilarious? Do you want to laugh, cry or have your brain scooped out of your …

Centring video

Mark Walsh shows how to use the ABC method of centring (or centering) which Integration Training use in their embodied management training. If you liked this video you may like …

Building Effective Teams

The majority of work is done in teams: the quality of those teams makes a huge difference to results and yet most of us have little education in how to …