Big Mind, Modern Zen, Embodied Life

With Diane Hamilton, Keizan Scott and Mark Walsh Genpo Roshi’s Big Mind Process is one of the most powerful modern techniques for experiencing psychological and spiritual states and insight in …

Being Embodied

Many thanks to Adrian Harris, an Associate Trainer with Integration Trainng. _______________________________________   What is embodiment theory and why should you care? Descartes is most famous for his belief that …

Super-Summer Coaching

We all have things in our lives we would like to improve yet often it’s not that simple. Some habits are hard to shift and we stay stuck doing things …

Bringing the Body Online

Embodiment for the 21st Century My occupation, passion and personal journey is embodiment – helping people get in touch with themselves as bodies for the sake of leadership, stress management …

Managing Change

Many thanks to Cath Davies for this guest blog. Cath is a Business Improvement Consultant. This article was first published in the Chartered Institute of Housing’s “i-opener”, January 2012. ___________________________________________________________________   If you …

How Kindness Sucks

Why Charities’ Stress Management is Worse Than Business’ I come from a non-profit sector background and now provide training in leadership, resilience and stress management. I work with both businesses …

Relational Embodiment

For Trainers, Coaches and Therapists with Michael Soth – Brighton 28th July, 10am-5pm Being in our body and being with other people are core aspects of being human. Both aspects …

Five Lessons learnt for climbing at work

Many thanks to Catherine Wilks of In Movement for this guest blog. ___________________________________________________________________ I’ve got a mountain to climb’ is a common expression that is often used to describe how work can …