Category: Uncategorised

Nobel Prize Winners on Emotion

Nobel Prize winners on emotions (from Newfield-more here): Shirin Ebadi (Nobel Peace Prize, 2003)“It is very difficult to think that a change in Iran can be produced because people are …

How to be a Business Bastard

This is an article on how to be an total business bastard and loose money. In a cunning reverse psychology type manner I figure that people generally do the opposite …

Top Sussex Trainers 2009

It’s getting to that time of year, so even though it’s clearly a ridiculous notion here are my top fifteen independent trainers and training companies in Sussex for 2009 in …

Peace Camp Inititaive

My friends at Aiki Extensions and the Peace Camps Initiative have uploaded a video of some of their good work. I used to work for Aiki Extensions and taught aikido …

Restorative Justice Video

Dominic Barter on video. Respect. Dominic is a UK born NonViolent Communication trainer living in Brazil working with restorative justice and conflict resolution. I met him a few years back …

US Army Stress Training

Article on stress training and suicide prevention in the US Army. “Workshops like this represent the Army’s response to hidden emotional wounds from repeated combat deployments that are thought to …

Coaching Tips

My friends at NGO training organsiation IMA have prodiced this list of coaching tips: Coching excellence is not an accident! What do all the top sports people in the world …

CBT and Negative Thought Patterns

While researching materials for a course on confidence I came across this great site on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and negative thought patterns. It also contains one of my favourite …

Unexpected Great Leaders

  Training Zone have been good enough to publish my ranting on leadership again along with a picture of Che for some reason! Unexpected Great Leaders Leaders are freaks. Leadership …