Category: Uncategorised

Integral Recovery

This new website on integral recovery worth a look if you want to stop doing something but can’t. The videos also serve as a good general introduction to Ken Wilber …


Getting Things Done (GTD) UK. Do you have enough time? I’ve asked this question to hundreds of people in numerous organisations in the UK and the rest of Western World …

Introduction to Integral

As regular readers will know I LOVE Integral….Mark 4 Ken., Mark and AQUAL sitting up a tree… I could go on… Anyway here’s a nice new introduction to the map …

Slow Down

Dew in slow motion. I’ve gotten a bit obsessed with slow-mo at the moment. Given my habitual speed this is quite a change of direction for me… ……………. So What: …

How to Make Money During a Recession

The Chinese character for “global financial meltdown recession money death trap” also translates as “Happy hour at Chen’s Bar.” That’s not true…but Steve Pavlina’s blog post about how to make …

Paul Linden Seminar in Dublin

I’m not long back from Dublin where I trained with my mentor Paul Linden Sensei. Hosted by Fiona Kelty and Chierchini Sensei of the Aikido Organisation of Ireland. I’ve previously …

Body Swapping

“It sounds like a lost episode of The Twilight Zone. A man enters a laboratory, dons a special headset and shakes hands with a woman sitting across from him. In …

Play Training Photos

Here are some play training photos from The Body and Therapy Workshop – from the section inspired by Fred Donaldson’s Original Play. Great connection and a lot of fun – …