This new website on integral recovery worth a look if you want to stop doing something but can’t. The videos also serve as a good general introduction to Ken Wilber …
Getting Things Done (GTD) UK. Do you have enough time? I’ve asked this question to hundreds of people in numerous organisations in the UK and the rest of Western World …
As regular readers will know I LOVE Integral….Mark 4 Ken., Mark and AQUAL sitting up a tree… I could go on… Anyway here’s a nice new introduction to the map …
Dew in slow motion. I’ve gotten a bit obsessed with slow-mo at the moment. Given my habitual speed this is quite a change of direction for me… ……………. So What: …
The Chinese character for “global financial meltdown recession money death trap” also translates as “Happy hour at Chen’s Bar.” That’s not true…but Steve Pavlina’s blog post about how to make …
I’m not long back from Dublin where I trained with my mentor Paul Linden Sensei. Hosted by Fiona Kelty and Chierchini Sensei of the Aikido Organisation of Ireland. I’ve previously …
“It sounds like a lost episode of The Twilight Zone. A man enters a laboratory, dons a special headset and shakes hands with a woman sitting across from him. In …
Here are some play training photos from The Body and Therapy Workshop – from the section inspired by Fred Donaldson’s Original Play. Great connection and a lot of fun – …