Guest Blogger Meridith Broome from the USA work with the body (somatics) and trauma and has sent me the article below. See also does great cartoons relavent to this blogs …
Somatics is the study of the lived experience of the body. We now have a Somatics Facebook Group: “A shared space for those who work and play with the conscious …
Introducing Jane Faulker, somatic lawyer extraordinaire. She described to me “how somatics took her from being very much in her head, and needing to understand everything, remnants of my days …
“13 million lost working days” last year. “Stressed employees take on average 21 days off sick.” Good intro to how stress and wellbeing effects A good short introduction to why …
Yoga in Brighton is BIG…it’s big in the UK and the rest of the Western World for that matter. I’d guesstimate yoga accounts for 90% of the “alternative” practice going …
While reading a terrible leadership book recently filled with references to “taking hills” and winning trophies, it struck me that the primary metaphors for business are war and sports. This …
Big Mind UK Big Mind Big Heart Meditation is a ground-breaking technique that plays on the line between psychotherapy and spiritual practice. It comes from both Zen and Voice Dialogue, …
From guest team building blogger Michael Cardus from Western New York ………………… Team Members should be friends? Aristotle suggested that friendship, like successful team membership, has three components: They must …
Seth Godin my favourite marketing guru talks about “tribes” his latest big idea. What struck me watching this is that truly effective marketing involves leadership. Also that an ethical dimension …
Arawana Hayashi – a major somatics teacher – is coming to the UK in February 11-12. I’ve heard good things. For details contact: Someone from the Integration Training team …