Category: embodied

Rules for Life

In my arogance I have compiled some rules for life – please don’t take them too seriously, and none of them are too original: You will die, use your time …

Conscious Business

My Dutch friends Realize have produced this summary of Fred Kofman’s Conscious Business. If you work, read it. At Integration Training we both use and train these matters in our …

Top 10 Business Training Challenges

Here’s a new E-Zine article on the top 10 business training challenges faced by purchasers and business training suppliers.   This article discusses some of the challenges faced by those …

UK PTSD Video – Bob Paxman

Bob Paxman – Working with UK soldiers suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Integration Training’s resilience training the Achilles Initiative can be found here.

NVC in Organisations

Friend, mentor and senior NonViolent Communication trainer Gina Lawrie (pictured) has sent me this article on NVC in organisations. I’d love to see more NVC in the business world and …

Attractive From the Inside Out

Attractive From the Inside Out What do some people do that makes them so attractive? Would you like to do it too? We believe that what makes us truly attractive …

Free Resources for Training Managers

Free Resources for Training Managers Perhaps the bigger problem for training managers is not a shortage of free resources but knowing what resources are any good. I’ll start with the …

Centering at Work

Centering At Work How do you get yourself together at work? What do you do when you’ve “lost it” to regain “it” and what exactly did you lose? When you’re …