Big Mind, Modern Zen, Embodied Life

With Diane Hamilton, Keizan Scott and Mark Walsh

Genpo Roshi’s Big Mind Process is one of the most powerful modern techniques for experiencing psychological and spiritual states and insight in a short space of time. Rarely taught in the UK, this day led by one of the world’s leading exponents, Diane Hamilton Sensei from the USA along with British Zen teacher Keizan Scot Sensei and supported by “embodied” techniques involving posture and movement from Mark Walsh.

The day will involve several experiences of the Big Mind process as well as traditional sitting meditation, mindful movement and Q&A



Diane Musho Hamilton Sensei – mediator, Zen/ integral spirituality teacher, Big Mind facilitator, mediator. Visiting from the USA. More

Keizan Scott Sensei – leader of the Stonewater Zen Sangha UK. Certified Big Mind teacher. More

Assisted by Mark Walsh – Embodiment teacher. More



October 16th, 10am-5pm, please arrive by 9.45 for coffee

Ki Centre, Queens Square, Central Brighton (1hr from London Victoria)

£95, booking in advance only, limited numbers, deposit payment here:




More on The Big Mind Process

The Big Mind technique, developed by Genpo Merzel Roshi, comes out of both Western psychotherapy tradition and the Eastern Zen tradition. The Big Mind technique is a very simple yet powerful and and rapid way to help a person shift perspective and realise the wisdom that may take a meditator more than fifteen or twenty years to accomplish. Big Mind was created as a fusion of meditation and therapy techniques