The new E-mindfulness day combining ancient wisdom with modern technology at the heart of The City.
-Syncing broad-band with broad-mind at work and play.
18th May 2012 – The Abbey Centre, London, UK
What You’ll Get From This Day-Retreat
As well as having a relaxing chilled-out time with lovely people in a vibrant place, you will also learn:
- To use your e-mail and phone consciously rather than have them use you
- Habits to optimise your “mental operating system” at work for increased efficiency and productivity
- To lower your stress and increase your happiness, clarity and reliability and in a hectic modern work environment
- How to get your body back for health, happiness and wellbeing
- To overcome e-addictions and compulsions
- The different benefits of both high and low-tech ways to connect
- How to bring emotions, values and spirituality into the modern workplace in a realistic, grounded, practical way
A day-long intensive interactive training. The first part of the day will be much like a traditional mindfulness retreat with periods of sitting and walking meditation. Silence will be encouraged and there will also be mindful light exercise (like yoga and tai-chi) and paired “embodied” practices to learn to be relaxed under pressure. In the afternoon we will start to gradually reintroduce modern work technology and suggest ways of working with this that support improved health, productivity and relationships. As far as we know this format has never before been tried (though we have been using the practices ourselves for some time) and it is something of an innovative living experiment.
Suitable for:
Busy people who use e-mail, smart-phones, social media etc. Beginners to meditation or experienced practitioners looking to integrate their practice with modern ways of working and connecting.
The retreat will be lead by Mark Walsh and Alan Ashley (often known by his ordained Buddhist name Jñānagarbha). Mark leads a business training company specialising in working with embodiment and has been involved in the martial arts and other awareness practices for 15 years. Ash is an experiences meditation and retreat leader and ordained Buddhist. Both of them are heavy e-mail, I-phone/pad and social media users.
Funky venue:
Please bring lap-tops, I-pads, phones, etc. Some exercises will require some kind of mobile communication. Wi-fi provided. The morning will involve e-cold-turkey and you will ask you to have no net or phone access whatsoever. After this we will gradually reintroduce technology based working practices and you can expect 1-2 hours “work-time” if you need to get real work done in the afternoon.
Has this been done before?
No, this is an innovative and experimental day-retreat. All the practices however are tried and tested. We’re proud to be leading-edge in making ancient wisdom available in a way which suits the modern world.
Is it a religious Buddhist thing?
No, while many of the older techniques come from a Buddhist tradition mindfulness fits with any or no religion. One of the retreat leaders is Buddhist, one meditates but isn’t.
I tried meditation once and couldn’t “turn off” my brain, is that a problem?
No, as long as you can turn off your phone for the morning.
If you have any more questions feel free to contact us.
Contact and Booking
There are a limited number of places available on this day-retreat and we may well fill-up. A £50 deposit secures a place. The cost is £99 total.
Contact: Mark Walsh
or Ash –
Paul Nicholas
Hi Mark,
This looks amazing – the most exciting, innovative and potentially powerful idea I’ve seen for a long time.
I would love to join you as a participant, but unfortunately it clashes with two development days I am facilitating.
So I am quite fascinated to know how it goes – and will look to your website to learn more.
Good luck – and congratulations on thinking up such a wonderful idea.
Best wishes