Nice application of integral theory and developmental levels to business from a friend I’ve never net Zach Smith.
We do as we are. The choices we make and the actions we take are inextricably linked to our capacity to engage the world around us. A large part of that capacity depends on the lenses with which we view the world. These lenses are variously called “mindsets”, “mental models”, “worldview” or in developmental terms–”action logics.” Action logic meaning literally the logic behind our actions.
As we move through life, experience the world and face challenges we routinely engage the world from a set of established action logics. We begin moving through these action logics at birth and have the potential to continue to evolve our worldview all throughout our lives. Recognizable stages a great many of us pass through include:
- X: At this stage we are opportunists seeking to satisfy our immediate needs. If we need wood we chop down a tree. For more detail click here.
- G: We tend to conform to social norms, peer pressure and the will of the group. Our wood gathering depends on what and how others are doing it. For more detail click here.
- I: We value and seek expertise. We believe in and try to follow the “right way.” We place a high value on logic and order. We develop a bureaucracy to manage trees with well-crafted rules for gathering wood. For more detail click here.
- T: We recognize the value in multiple perspectives and seek to align them to achieve our aims and goals. We recognize and revel in our ability to be self-authoring, creative, effective and successful. Thinking is generally linear. The utility and management practices of trees and forests is rigorously researched and investigated. Short and mid-term timber management planning goals are set. For more detail click here.