Get Things Done

People need to spend 2/3 of their time “unproductive” to really get things done the other 1/3 of the time. Mars and the British Army got it right when they said people need “work, rest and play” to function well sustainably. The British Army (hardly a soft bunch) have long worked on the general rule that a person needs eight hours sleep and eight hours rest/play to function at maximum efficiency over time. The Army have tried all sorts of things and this is what works. This “equation” to get things done can’t be cheated – it’s built into us…but if you’re anything like me you look for ways around this human work-life blueprint – here are a few popular “cheats”:

Things That Don’t Help Get More Done
There’s loads of ways to try and cheat the system – many of these work in the short term (and are not always bad) but in the medium-long term will not be sustainable so if you rely upon them you get burnout. A metaphor for some is sprinting – you can do it for a while – bit it’s no way to complete a marathon. Here are a few of the popular strategies I see daily – many have consequences like high staff churn rates, sick days, heart attacks and general ill health, unhappiness, divorces, high error rates, etc – which is when people bring me on to do stress training. Crap in…sooner or later…crap out.
Just Work More
Pushing harder and working longer and longer hours is just stooopid – you won’t get away with it forever. There are two types of businesses – those who manage time, energy and stress maturely, and those who are in denial that they can’t, and suffer the consequences.
Sleep Less
People need sleep like a car needs petrol – simple. Thatcher slept 4 hours a night, bit she was clearly a demon not a human being. Sleep is particularly important if your job involves creativity (you stop dreaming with less sleep), service or maintaining relationships (compassion often fades – hence Maggie).

Caffeine, Nicotine, Sugar and Friends
We are a nation of drug addicts and like all addictive drugs caffeine helps you in the short term (by simulating your adrenal glands) but takes from you in exchange – hence you need it more so you take it more. Same cycle as heroin, nicotine, alcoholic, chocolate, cocaine, etc. Use wisely.
soldiers sleeping
Things That Do Help Get Things Done
Love What You Do
It’s only work if you don’t like it. Breaking down the work-play distinction (actually a modern invention) means that you can do a lot more than 8 hours. Do what you love, or learn to love what you do to achieve the “0 hour work week.”
Get a System
A good time management system like Getting Things Done (GTD) will work wonders. If you want something immediate (that’s the way of the world…) try these time management tips.
Just Do One Thing
The problem for many people is that they are mixing their activiteis so niot getting their “8 a day” of any of them. When you sleep sleep, when you work work, when you rest/play rest and play. Simple. The fact that I can go from running (literally or virtually) to snoring in less than five minutes annoys my girlfriends but is great for me πŸ™‚
Meditation and Exercise
If you need to learn focus – and the modem world is one big distraction with multiple e-mails, calls, texts, twits, etc taking – I recomend meditation and martial arts. Both mindfulness practices and exercise in general will also mean you will be healthier, smarter and sleep better. Invest in yourself.

In conclusion: You’re a human not a machine, treat yourself as such, do less and get more done. More on what I call Human Business.