The Cost of Ill Health

People that don’t exercise cost employers money due to ill health:


From The Sussexwide Active & Healthy Workplace Initiative:
Physically active employees take 27% fewer days of sick leave, which can ultimately translate to huge savings. Introducing an Active & Healthy Workplace programme can drive down absenteeism and staff turnover, reducing costs of overtime, sick pay and temporary staff cover, as well as recruitment and re-training costs.

Ill-health costs the UK economy over £12.6 billion annually and in 2008/09 a total of 185 million working days were lost to sickness according to the CIPD’s most recent absence management survey. Evidence proves that there are multiple business benefits to be gained through focusing more attention on employee health and well-being, including improved productivity and employee morale and retention.”

Cost So What: It is cheaper to employ people who exercise