Paul Hawken on the largest movement the world has ever known.
It’s happening in business too, but frankly we’re behind the game. I’d like to help anyone in business who’s interested in both making money and not making mess of themselves and the world in the process catch up. I call this human business – you’re invited.
I was said that business was the enemy of social and environmental justice. Now I’d say that it’s too powerful to be left behind and made of real people who matter. If business wants to engage the vast market that is this growing movement it needs to take the global trend towards wider ethical inclusivness on board – I see this starting to happen with companies like The Body Shop and Ben and Jerries, and larger corporations taking corporate social responsibility and environmental issues seriously for the first time. What often starts as marketing ploys and “green-washing” (read “fair-washing” for Primark) I hope will end with real transformation. My part is helping bring bodily wisdom and emotional intelligence back into the workplace.
About Paul Hawken
“A leading environmentalist and social activist’s examination of the worldwide movement for social and environmental change. Paul Hawken has spent over a decade researching organizations dedicated to restoring the environment and fostering social justice.From billion-dollar nonprofits [NOTE – NO BUSINESS REFERED TO HERE – Ed.] to single-person dot.causes, these groups collectively comprise the largest movement on earth, a movement that has no name, leader, or location, and that has gone largely ignored by politicians and the media. Like nature itself, it is organizing from the bottom up, in every city, town, and culture. and is emerging to be an extraordinary and creative expression of people’s needs worldwide.”
Business So What: Catch up =-get fair and get green – ethics aside, it’s in your own best interests.
Environmental/Social Justice So What: Get business on side on you will just be a bunch of impotent hippies.