Being more present will help with whatever you care about. Both modern research and ancient traditions show that presence is a critical factor in relationships, work and play. In this workshop we will explore what it is to be truly present – in terms of mindfulness, communication and embodied presence – through enjoyable interactive exercises.
Benefits of Attending Include:
· Improved listening and empathy
· Better concentration and relaxation
· Improved embodied personal presence (charisma, gravitas)
· Increased ability to connect
· An understanding of how presence makes you attractive
· Lots of play and fun
Workshop leaders include: Tejamitra (Buddhist mindfulness teacher), Mark Walsh (stress management/leadership consultant), the Reverend Francis Briers (trained actor and Interfaith Minster) and Clare Myatt (life coach and therapist).
– £40 (a small number of concessionary places are available on request)