I run a coaching practice in Brighton based on my studies with Newfield using an “Ontological Coaching ” framework.
Ontological Coaching refers to coaching at the level of being rather than doing. I.e. who you are rather than just the stuff you do. Transformational Coaching would be another name for it and I’ve had some real success in Brighton using this coaching approach in business and with private clients.
I am particularly interested in somatic or embodied aspects of coaching as exemplified by The Stozzi Institute as this is my speciality. I find working at the bodily level (by changing posture for example) is a quick way to make a shift, which can then be embedded by practices. Doing somatic coaching over the phone has been a good challenge though it’s much easier face to face and this is how I prefer to coach where possible.
This UK based ontological coaching website contains some good information on what Ontological Coaching is.
“Ontological Change goes to the heart of how each of us sees ourselves and what it is possible for us to achieve. It involves shifting our “way of being” to bring about constructive and lasting change at work and in life. In the words of W. Edwards Deming “nothing changes without personal transformation.” Transformation requires a shift in our ontology which an Ontological Coach has the knowledge and skill to facilitate. How we carry ourselves in the world, focusing on commitments rather than feelings, how we use our language and our moods, can directly affect how life turns up for us and what we attract into our lives. Ontological Change offers you the chance to see things differently in a way that empowers you to act authentically. In short, the theory and methodology of Ontological Change is not only a basis for deep change and effective action, it provides building blocks to a more meaningful and satisfying life.”
Coaching So What: Lasting change requires shift in the person changing not just what they do.