Here’s a tongue-in-cheek list on why Jesus Christ was a great businessman. I imagine I’ll loose a few readers in Alabama but what the hell, there aren’t that many readers there anyway 🙂
7 Reasons Why Jesus Was a Great Businessman
- Because Jesus was focused on customer needs (“do onto others”)
- Because Jesus was proactive – “ask and it will be given”
- Because Jesus served his principles above greed and worked from his heart
- Because Jesus turned the tables on his competitors yet loved them
- Fishes and loaves to feed 10,000! Great business ROI
- Because Jesus paid his taxes (“give to Cesar”)
- Because you’re reading this 2000 years later and he didn’t even blog
I was raised by an ex Catholic nun so I know a little about Christianity despite not being an active worshiper these days. The examples I’ve used are partly just for fun and also to illustrate that the “human” or “conscious” business model that I blog about is not only effective but in keeping with traditional spiritual principles. It’s always amazed me that anyone working with the old selfish model of business (that’s currently in trouble) could regard themselves as Christian as the core principles seem to go against unchecked heartless capitalism. Then again everyone thinks they have God on their side…
Business So What: Do onto others and all that