Embodied Business Workshop
Sat 29th Nov 10.00 – 13.30
Ki Centre, Queens Square, Brighton
A morning of practical interactive training on how to embody your values and potential.
Suitable for people working in the private, public and third sector.
Suitable for people working in the private, public and third sector.
Benefits of Attending Include:
Improved knowledge of the 90% of communication that isn’t verbal
Improved ability to handle stress and pressure
Improved leadership presence
Improved understanding of team dynamics and alignment
Workshops will be lead by three of the UK’s leading embodiment specialists:
Dawn Bentley (Aurora Consulting)
– Free to representatives of
– £30 individuals
– Buffet lunch included
Booking in advance required
– £30 individuals
– Buffet lunch included
Booking in advance required
For further information contact:
Mark Walsh
Mark Walsh