Corporate Bullying UK

Our silly survey says…. One in Seven Brits feels bullied at work. Corporate bullying is now a major issue in UK workplaces.

Corporate bullying keeps coming onto my radar of late and seems a hot topic in the training world. A few things come up for me here. The first being that you can never remove people’s humanity from the workplace, and feelings are always there and always matter. How we relate to each other really matters to people and can dramatically effect happiness and productivity.
One worry for me about this area though is that it’s extremely subjective as someone who’s been bullied when they say they have. A small cynical part of me says that bullying is an appropriately childish word and wants people to take responsibility for their own feelings, rather than place themselves as victims and blame others. That being said on the whole I am happy that these kind of issues are being taken seriously now, as I’ve been there and know plenty of people who suffer daily from subtle emotional abuse and bullying at work.
From a Spiral Dynamics point of view what seems to be happening is a shift from orange to green meme in the corporate world (with public sector leading). What this means for those not versed in Wilberease is that we can expect to see organisations get fluffier and more sensitive, which will be both a wonderful blessing (reenter the human heart!) and also a total nightmare as “mean green” gets it’s PC claws out and annihilates everyone who isn’t caring and sensitive enough!
It’s going to be interesting and most likely mean more work for me πŸ™‚

Corporate Bullying So What – Feel free human at work again! Be nice to your colleagues or they might get you sacked. Know that bullying, in fact…being a git…is now officially not OK, even when you’re at work.

Corporate So What – Take emotional intelligence and team dynamics seriously, because they’re coming to get you! And as ever hire me πŸ˜‰