Tag: communication

Meeting Management Training

Integration Training work with communication training, time management and leadership training and the issue of managing meetings often comes up. Here are a few tips to make meetings more effective. …

How England Can Win The World Cup

I’ve taken time out from my day job in embodied stress and leadership training to do my patriotic duty and tell England how to win the upcoming football World Cup …

How to be Reborn at Work

I had several requests after the Easter themed article article How to die at work for a more positive follow-up on how to be fully alive and human in the …

Personal Development Condensed

This article is the personal development literature from the last hundred years condensed into seven digestible paragraphs – each with a recommended “gold-star” practice if you’d like to take things …

Why E-Learning Doesn’t Work

Training Zone has published an article of mine on Why E Learning Doesn’t Work that is proving popular..well, controversial at least 🙂 Here it is in full: ………………………… E-learning is …

Help for Parents from Business Training

How can business help parents? Simple – we’ll sell your children. Only joking. I lead business training courses and in these participants who are also parents often say, “Wow, that’s …